octa- is the prefix meaning "eight". An octagon is any eight-sided figure. The shape of a stop sign is a popular example of an octagon.
8. An octopus has 8 legs, octuplets means having 8 babies is one delivery, oct generally means 8.
One more side
No not just any shape that has 8 side can be called an octagon. An octagon has straight lines that make up a closed bounded shape.
If it's a regular octagon, the perimeter is 8 times the length of one side.
24 feet?
An octagon has eight sides.
There are 8 equals side and angles in octagon.
Octagon has 8 sides as octopus has 8 arms.
It still has 8 sides the same as a regular octagon.
It has 8 sides.
An octagon has eight sides. If it did not have eight sides it would have a different name.
As the "octa" at the beginning of the word would imply, an octagon is a shape with eight sides.