3 out of 8
The probability of tossing two heads in two coins is 0.25.
There are eight (8).
Sample space for two coins tossed is: HH HT TH TT Therefore at most one head is HT TH TT or 3/4 or 0.75.
Coin 1 H T or T H Coin 2 H T or T H 4 Combining H T T H H T T H From this table the result can be 2 x H 2 x T H T or T H
Assuming the variable of interest is the face on top: H (= heads) or T (= tails), then they are the four possible outcomes: HH, HT, TH and TT.
1/4 if they are tossed only once.
If they are fair coins, it is 1/16.
3 out of 8
The answer depends on how many coins were tossed.