70 square feet on the ceiling, and another 70 square feet on the floor. We don't know
how many square feet on the walls unles we know the height of the ceiling.
sqrt(10x)*sqrt(8x) = sqrt(80x2) = sqrt(16x2*5) = sqrt(16x2)*sqrt(5) = 4x*sqrt(5)
10x + 3 = 15 10x = 15 - 3 10x = 12 x = 1.2
-10x-6 = -12 -10x = -12+6 -10x = -6 x = 3/5
An acre is 43,560 square feet. Most small square bales would lightly cover at least 2x10 ft, but more likely 2x15 ft . Therefore; 43,560 divided by 30 (if each square bale covers 30 sq/ft as an average) = 1,452 square bales. If the bales are larger (round bales), obviously fewer bales would be required. Large round bales would likely provide at least 10X the coverage so likely in the range of 145 round bales
120 square feet. This is an easy calculation - just multiply the length by the width. The answer is the number of square feet.
Length times width gives you the answer, surely you can do 10X 12 in your head....
√(10x) * √(8x) = √(80x²)√(80x²) = √(16x²) * √(5) = 4x*√(5)■
90 square meters
9 needs to be added to complete the square. When squaring (x + n), the result is x2 + 2nx + n2. We have +10x, so n must be 10/2 = 5. Thus: (x + 5)2 = x2 +10x + 25 = x2 +10x + 14 + 9 So 9 needs to be added to complete the square, giving: x2 +10x + 14 = (x + 5)2 - 9
Any dimension that H*W*D =5000 The room could be 1 ft * 1 ft * 5000 ft or 10 ft * 20 ft * 25 ft.
sqrt(10x)*sqrt(8x) = sqrt(80x2) = sqrt(16x2*5) = sqrt(16x2)*sqrt(5) = 4x*sqrt(5)
Twenty-Five x2 + 10x = 8 x2 + 10x + 25 = 8 + 25 (x + 5)2 = 33
You never square a whole equation. That's just silly.