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It depends. A polygon can have any number of sides, in the same way as a circle can have any radius.

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Q: How many straight lines is formed for a polygon?
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How many angle of polygon?

Many. Poly means many and a polygon is a plane figure bounded by three or more straight lines. The precise number is NOT specified. Since the number of angles in a polygon equals the number of lines, the number of angles is also unspecified.

How many perpendicular lines do a polygon have?

A polygon is a generic term describing a closed plane figure bounded by 3 or more straight line segments. It need not have any perpendicular lines.

What shape is a quadrilateral and a polygon?

A quadrilateral has 4 sides whereas a polygon has many sides which includes a quadrilateral

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How many lines of symmetry does a polygon have?

This varies according to the polygon. A polygon is any 2D closed shape with three or more straight sides. Therefore, a polygon such as a square will have four lines of symmetry, but an irregular hexagon may have several or none. Even a triangle can have between zero and three lines of symmetry, depending on the type of triangle it is.

How many side does a polygon have?

A polygon can have any number of three or more sides. It is a generic name for a many-sided figure, and does not specify a particular number of sides. A polygon is a shape constructed with straight lines and no gaps between each side.

How many degrees are in a null angle?

Zero. A null angle is formed by two straight lines that coincide.

How many lines of symmetry doese a polygon have?

It depends on what type of polygon.

How many angeles are formed when two lines intersect do not count straight angles 2 4 8?

Four opposite equal angles are formed when 2 lines intersect each other

How many straight lines can be formed with 3 collinear points?

only 1 lines can contain 3 collinear points. Maybe you mean coplanar?

How many lines does a regular polygon have with 16 sides?

It has 16 lines.

How many lines of symmetry would a 10-sided regular polygon have?

10 lines. Regular polygon of "x" sides has "x" Lines of Symmetry