The word deca- means ten, so there are ten therms in a decatherm.
There are infinitely many.
how many anchoives are in a can
The no. of entities that can be associated with another entity. For eg. 1-1, 1-many, many-1 and many-many
The word many is an adjective (many, more, most), an indefinite pronoun (a pronoun that does not refer to a specific person, thing or amount), and a noun. Example uses:Adjective: Many people like that program.Pronoun: Many do like that program.Noun: A program for the many but not for me.
There are 10 therms in a decatherm. The prefix "deca" represents a factor of 10, so a decatherm is equivalent to 10 therms.
A decatherm, which is 10 therms. One decatherm equals one million BTU. These are quantities of heat (energy).
Yes, a million British thermal units (MMBtu) and a dekatherm (dth) are equivalent units of energy, with 1 MMBtu equal to 1 dth. They are commonly used in the energy industry for measuring natural gas consumption or production.
One decatherm = one MMBtu
110 therms.
Dtherm stands for "Die Thermal," which refers to the thermal diode feature available on certain CPUs. It helps monitor and control the temperature of the CPU by providing accurate temperature readings. This feature is often used in conjunction with the CPU's thermal management system to prevent overheating.
972.76 cubic feet.
There are 0.00001 therms in 1 BTU.
1 million BTU = 10 Therms
The answer depends on the material. The number of therms in liquid nitrogen is pretty close to 0.