7.75 times
Well, honey, if you divide 124 by 14, you get 8.857142857142857... But since we can't have a fraction of a time, 14 can go into 124 a total of 8 times with a remainder of 12. Math can be a real pain in the behind sometimes, but that's the cold, hard truth.
6 with 16 remaining 124 - 16 = 108 = 18 x 6
124 ÷ 4 = 31
you need half of the 124 - therefore 62 times
124 ÷ 13 = 9 with remainder 7 or 9.5385 times.
15.5solve: 8/124-80-40- -4____________0
124 with a remaider of 2 or 124 and 2/3
Ten times - with four remainder