8.642857142857143 times.
8 times with a remainder of 1
11 times with remainder 4.
If this is a riddle, the answer is "only once, because after that you have only 879 to subtract from". Otherwise, you can subtract 8 lots of 121 from 1000.
8 times
121 R 4
8.642857142857143 times.
8 times with a remainder of 1
11 times with remainder 4.
3 numbers are factors of 121. They are 1, 11 and 121 itself.
If this is a riddle, the answer is "only once, because after that you have only 879 to subtract from". Otherwise, you can subtract 8 lots of 121 from 1000.
8 times
8 times
It can go: 268/8 = 33.5 times
8 times with a remainder of 5
2 times with a remainder of 8
Well, How about " How many times does 3 go into 8 "?