323 divided by 38 is 8 with remainder 19.
8 times
2 times with a remainder of 8
8 and 7/8 times, or 8.875 times.
39 will go into 312 8 times
323 divided by 38 is 8 with remainder 19.
8 times
2 times with a remainder of 8
8 and 7/8 times, or 8.875 times.
no 8 does not go into 78
7 goes into 28 4 times
8.125 times.
Exactly 8 times !
8 can go into 67 8 times because 8x8=64 and in the 8 times column there is no 8x_=67.
According to my calculations, 250 can go into 2,000 8 times