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The answer depends on over what period of time. A millisecond, a year, a decade and - if your watch or clock survives that long (though you won't) - a millennium?

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Q: How many times does the hour hand rotates?
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How many degrees does the hour hand move in 37 minutes?

The hour hand rotates 360° in 1 hour = 60 minutes Then in 37 minutes it rotates 37 x 360 /60 = 222°

Through how many degrees does the hour hand move?

Each hour, it rotates through 30 degrees, every twelve hours, it rotates 360 degrees.

How many times the minute hand of a clock rotates in a day?

60 times 24 = 1,440

How many times in an hour will the hour hand and the minute hand meet on a clock?


How many times do the minute hand and the hour hand overlap?

Once per hour.

How many degrees does the hour hand move in 1-4 hour?


How many times does the hour hand and minute hand cross in 12 hour period of time?

The minute hand will cross over the hour hand once every hour. So in 12 hours, the answer is 12 times.

How many times does the minute hand and the hour hand overlap in the 24-hour clock in a day?

Twenty-four times of course !

How many time hour hand and minutes hand cross?

22 times. hour hand meets minute hand each hour. Example : they meet at about 1h6, 2h17,... ( it's not exactly). But the 11th hour, they don't meet any times. So in a round of hour hand, it meets minute hand only 11 times and 22 times in a day

How many times does the hour hand go around in a 24 hour period?

On a clock the hour hand makes two full rotations. Which means it goes around the clock two times.

How many times does the moon rotate in a twenty four hour period?

The Moon rotates one time in about 27 days.

How many times in a day hour hand and minute hand makes 180 degree?