7 x 3 = 21
17 x 3 = 51
27 x 3 = 81
(If you notice, there are 30 in between the numbers in bold).
eighty-one times one and nine times nine
two hundred sixty three thousand four hundred eighty one
It is exactly sixty five million three hundred eighty one thousand two hundred four.
Ten million, four hundred eighty-three thousand, one hundred ninety.
Three times longer (three feet = one yard)
81 times 3 = 243
Forty-seven times eighty-nine is four thousand one hundred eighty-three. In numbers, that's 47x89=4,183.
One thousand eight hundred times.
1,387 dollars. (One thousand, three hundred and eighty seven)
Three thousand one hundred eighty
It is one hundred eighty three and one hundred eighty three thousandths.
It is one hundred eighty three and one hundred eighty three thousandths.
eighty one (81)
eighty two and a half