It would be 17:45
A digital clock will have the greatest sum if added up at nine fifty nine. That would be three digits, not four.
Why not? It separates hours from minutes. Would you prefer asterisks or what?
An hour has 60 min. Assuming the clock has only the hour and minute displayed, every hour 1 would appear at 1, 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,10,21,31,41,51. Counting 11 as once there are 15 1s in an hour. In the 24 hours, only 0,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,22,23 have no 1 s in them. Therefore 1 aooears 165 times in those times. As for hours 1,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,21, there is always a 1 in the clock. This makes 1 appear 12*60 times which is 720 times. Therefore in total, 1 appears 885 times in a digital 24 hour clock.
i think its 17
I think you have not asked a complete question. A clock is a clock is a clock, either digital or with a conventional clock face. How would anyone summarise that?
57 times in 12 hours, so in 1 day it would be 114.
The only digital Rolex clock in the world can be found at the top of One Times Square in New York City. It is a prominent feature on the building's facade and is considered a landmark in the area.
It would be 12:00
When it is 5:45 on a digital clock, the big hand of an analog clock would be on the number 9.
It would be 11:57:00
Midnight would be 00.00 and 11.11 would also qualify. If you have a 24-hour clock you could also have 22.22
It would be 17:45
6 paired numbers per hour, 00 11 22 33 44 55. so...144 pairs per day, 1008 pairs per week, 4032 per month, 48384 per long do you plan to run this digital clock?
A digital clock will have the greatest sum if added up at nine fifty nine. That would be three digits, not four.