ten thousand times greater
The number is 8,413
Oh, what a happy little riddle you have there! Let's paint a picture with numbers. The number you're looking for is 5,432. It has 5 thousands, 4 hundreds (1 more than the thousands), 3 tens (2 fewer than the thousands), and 2 ones (1 more than the tens). Happy counting, my friend!
Well, honey, the 5 in the ten-thousands place is 50,000 and the 5 in the tens place is just 50. So, technically, the 5 in the ten-thousands place is 49,950 greater than the 5 in the tens place. Math can be a real hoot sometimes!
100 times
Probably tens of thousands.Probably tens of thousands.Probably tens of thousands.Probably tens of thousands.
7 in the tens place = the number 70 7 in the thousands place = the number 7000 7000/70= 100 It is therefore 100 times bigger.
Ten times one hundred is one thousand.
Just like hundreds are greater than tens, hundreds of thousands is larger than tens of thousands.
ten thousand times greater
Well, honey, the 5 in the ten-thousands place is 50,000 and the 5 in the tens place is just 50. So, technically, the 5 in the ten-thousands place is 49,950 greater than the 5 in the tens place. Math can be a real hoot sometimes!
It is 5305.
The digit 6 in the thousands place represents 6000, while the digit 6 in the tens place represents 60. To find out how many times greater the digit in the thousands place is compared to the digit in the tens place, we divide 6000 by 60, which equals 100. Therefore, the digit 6 in the thousands place is 100 times greater than the digit 6 in the tens place.
The number is 8,413