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Six triangles.

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Q: How many triangles are there in a 6 pointed star?
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How many lines of rotational symmetry does a 6 pointed star have?


What is a shape that has 6 triangles and 1 hexagon?

In 3d a hexagonal pyramid. In 2d, two hexagons. Or a six-pointed star (like a Star of David), a parallelogram plus lots more possibilities

Geometric shape with 6 triangles and 1 hexagon?

In 3d a hexagonal pyramid. In 2d, two hexagons. Or a six-pointed star (like a Star of David), a parallelogram plus lots more possibilities

Does a star have more than 1 line of symmetry explain?

5 pointed star? 6 pointed star(star of David)? A star in the sky? You need to provide more information. A 5 pointed star can have 5 lines of symmetry.

Can a star tessellate?

Yes * * * * * No. A star will not tessellate.

Which beer has a five pointed star?

There are several beers named "Estrella" that use a five pointed star in their logos. Actually, sometimes in Mexico you will see a 6 pointed star on an Estrella sign.

What is the universal symbol for Judaism?

The most widely recognized symbol for Judaism is the star of David, a 6-pointed star made from two identical overlapping equilateral triangles one turned 60 degrees from the other. That symbol is also the youngest symbol of Judaism; many cultures have used the 6-pointed star for various purposes, and it only became a specifically Jewish symbol after the middle ages. The Menorah (7-branched candlestick) is the oldest specifically Jewish symbol.

How many line of symmetry does a star have?

five do the math But only if it is a 5-pointed star, not a 6-pointed star (like the star of David, for example). So doing the math requires counting the number of points in the star before getting to the put downs!

What is triangle plus triangle?

If they share a part or whole of a side and provided they do not overlap, then depending on the shape of the triangles, the result can be a triangle, quadrilateral or a concave pentagon. Otherwise you can get other shapes such as a 6-pointed star.

What is a star symbol called?

An asterisk is a star-shaped punctuation mark. A pentagram is a 5-pointed star, a hexagram is a 6-pointed star also known as Solomon's seal and the Star of David.

What are the logo commands to draw a 6 pointed star?

For 5 pointed star use repeat 5 [fd 100 rt 144]

What is a star shaped sign called?

An asterisk is a star-shaped punctuation mark. A pentagram is a 5-pointed star, a hexagram is a 6-pointed star also known as Solomon's seal and the Star of David.