60 percent = 60/100 60% of 40 = 60/100 x 40 = 24. Ans: 24 questions.
A score is 20. So 3 score is 60 +2 = 62 total,
To achieve a score of 70% on a 200-question test, you would need to answer 140 questions correctly. This means you can afford to miss 60 questions and still achieve a 70% score.
We can rearrange the letters in tattoo 60 times.
Threescore is 60 score = 20 x 3 = 60 60 and 2 62 years
three triple-20's
To make it harder for dart players to score big points...with triple 20 u can still score 60 per dart.
180 Try 60, treble 20. 180 is only acheivable with 3 darts all in the treble 20.
A "score" is 20 consecutive years in time. 3 "score" would be 60 consecutive years.
A score is a group or set of 20 members. 1 score = 20 2 score = 40 3 score = 60 And so on...
Any multiples of 60 are divisible by 60
A score is 20 and three score is 60. Three score cubits means 60 cubits, a measure of length.
The Highest score someone got was 60 out of 60