According to the CIA World Factbook, the total world population is 7,095,217,980 (July 2013 estimate). The ratio is 1.01 males to every 1.0 female.
Total female estimate as of July 2013 is 3,523,843,881.
In how many ways can fourfour women be selected from the eighteight ​women
The answer will depend on what exactly you are trying to measure:working women in the US as a percentage of women in the US,women working in the US as a percentage of women working in the world,working women in the US as a percentage of worker in the US.There are probably other possibilities.
There are millions and billions of moms in the world!!!!
567 gases in the world
6000000000 people in the world
There are many women in the world.
about 200,000
Many women did, in very many ways.
The Spanish women's team have never won the Women's World Cup.
During World War II many women entered the workforce. The end of World War II affected women in the workplace as many of them returned home instead of staying in the workplace.
Way too many.
There are about 3.5 billion girls and women in the world.
about 60,000 women every year
Women that were in World War 2 did not fight in the war. The women did many of the other types of jobs such as being nurses and driving vehicles.
There are approximately 122 million women in the world encounting because women are giving birth every second
16 teams have qualified for the 2011 FIFA Women's World Cup.