1.90 years old.
you would be 5 years old, but on the 12th of august that year, you would be 6 years old
I believe a ten year old would be 41 years old.
you would be 22 years old
You would be 69 years old ;)
18 years old
A person who has lived for a million years would be a million years old.
You would be 4383 days old if your 12 years old.
You would have to live three Earth-years to be three years old.
1.90 years old.
I would like to know how many years old the Pacific Ocean...!
If you were 3000 years old you would be 3000 years old.
365 days = 1 year1000 days = 2.74 years.
You would be 3,285 days old. I am 4,380 days old.
8 years old!