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1 million = 1,000,000 = 10^6, hence six zeros

1 billion = 1,000,000,000 = 10^9, hence 9 zeros

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Q: How many zeros are in a million and a billion?
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How many zeros in a billion in the European system?

in Europe, a billion is a million million = 10^12 (one with 12 zeros). in the U.S. a billion is a thousand million = 10^9 (one with 9 zeros).

How many zeros in a million in Europe?

six. The million is the same, the billion is different, 12 zeros in Europe. The US billion with 9 zeros is the European milliard.

How many zeros in 1 billion in US?

In the U.S., a billion is a thousand million, so Nine zeros.

How many zeros are in 42 billion?

nine because there are six zeros in a million.

How many zeros are there in 3 billion?

In English speaking countries there are 9 zeros in three billion.3,000,000,000In other countries there may be 12 zeros in three billion.3,000,000,000,000In England, an English speaking country, a billion = one million, million (12 zeros).6 zeros is a million, 7 zeros is ten million, 8 zeros is a hundred million,9 zeros is a thousand million, 10 zeros is ten thousand million,11 zeros is a hundred thousand million. 12 zeros is a million million = a BILLION.In North American usage a billion = a thousand, million. (9 zeros).Nine, if you write it as 3,000,000,000 .Two, if you write it as 3.0 x 109 .

How many zeros in usa billion?

A thousand million

How many zeros are there in million and billion?

One million in all countries has 6 zeros. 1,000,000 In English speaking countries there are 9 zeros in one billion. 1,000,000,000 In other countries there may be 12 zeros in one billion. 1,000,000,000,000

How many zeros are in a 200 billion?

In a 200 billion, there are 11 zeros. This is because a billion is equivalent to one thousand million, which has 9 zeros. Therefore, when you multiply 200 by a billion, you get 200,000,000,000, which has 11 zeros.

How many zeros are in nine hundred billion?

In the UK there are million = 6 zeros trillion = 9 zeros billion = 12 zeros and 2 zeros in 9 hundred so 12 + 2 = 14

How many times greater is a billion than a ten million?

A billion is 100 times greater than ten million. This is because of the following: Billion=1000000000=9 zeros Ten million=10000000=7 zeros If you take away 7 from 9 in equals 2 zeros. So, 2 zeros equal to 100.

1000 million is equal to how many billion?

1000 million is equal to 1 billion. It has nine zeros.

Is a million million dollars worth a Billion dollars?

No. A million is 1/1000th a billion. So it takes 1000 millions to make a billion. 1 million = 1,000,000 (6 zeros) 1 billion/milliard = 1,000,000,000 (9 zeros) 1 trillion is 1,000,000,000,000 (12 zeros)