I have no idea how much Jerry Trainor weighs, honey. Maybe ask him yourself or invest in a good scale. Just remember, weight is just a number, not a measure of someone's worth. So let's focus on more important things, like how fabulous you are!
You cannot weigh an area. Just as you cannot weigh a distance. (How much does one centimeter weigh?)
They weigh differently depending on what size the egg it is.
you should probably weigh 95 to 110 pounds but if u think u weigh over weight u probabley dont so dont worry about how much you weigh just stay healthy:] you should probably weigh 95 to 110 pounds but if u think u weigh over weight u probabley dont so dont worry about how much you weigh just stay healthy:]
The answer depends on a tenth of WHAT!
Jerry Trainor is christian.
Jerry Trainor's birth name is Gerald William Trainor.
Jerry Trainor goes by J.T..
Spencer's name out of iCarly is Jerry Trainor.
Jerry Trainor was born on January 21, 1977.
Trainor is Single . He has no wife.
It is true
Yes. Kiel Douglas Trainor
kiel Douglas trainor