A liter is a unit of volume not weight, therefore to determine how much a liter weighs it depends on what you're measuring. A liter of water has a different weight than a liter of sand and so on.
It's 250 milliliters.
0.1 litre
1 liter = 33.6 fluid oz. 1 liter = 4.2 cups 1 liter = 2.1 pints 1 liter = 1.06 quarts 1 liter = .26 gallon
1 second
1 liter = 1000ml
1 liter = 1000ml
1 liter = 2.11 pints 1 pint = 0.47 liter
1 liter = 100 cl 1 cl = 0.01 Liter
1 liter = 2.11 pints 1 pint = 0.47 liter
1 liter
1 liter
1 liter = 1.05668821 US quarts
2.11 cups 1 liter = 4.22 cups 1 cup = 0.23 liter
0.15 L 1 liter = 100 centiliters 1 centiliter = 0.01 liter
1/100 liter is 10 mL (1 liter = 1,000 mL).
1000 ml =1 liter.