The number 100,002 is divisible by 3. The largest 5 digit number is 99996 (6 less).
Since numbers equal to or greater than 5 are rounded up, and numbers equal to or less than 4 are rounded down, the largest 4-digit number that can be rounded off to 3000 would be 3004.
The ones digit is 5 less than 10 (10-5=5) The tens digit is 2 more than the ones digit (5+2=7) The entire number is less than 200. It could be either "75" or "175", but is probably "175" or they would have said that the entire number was less than 100.
The only prime number less than 3 is 2.
A) If a number has two digits, then the sum of its digits is less than the value of the original two-digit number.
The number can be any one of these four numbers:640751862973
6859. Cube root of 9999 is 21.54, so find the largest prime number less than that (19), then cube that number. 19^3=6,859
The number 100,002 is divisible by 3. The largest 5 digit number is 99996 (6 less).
Since numbers equal to or greater than 5 are rounded up, and numbers equal to or less than 4 are rounded down, the largest 4-digit number that can be rounded off to 3000 would be 3004.
Largest three digit number is 999 and we see that it is odd. One less than that is 998 and it is even and it is also three digits. No other 3 digit number is larger than 998 while being even.
4,998 of course !
That's not possible. The largest single-digit number by which you might divide is 9. And, by definition, the remainder is always LESS than the number by which you divide. Thus, the largest remainder you can get, when you divide by 9, is 8.
I am a four digit number. My tens digit is 2 more than my ones digit. My hundreds and thousands digit are both 1 less than my ones digit. What number can i be?
There are lots of them: one such is 2304.