Largest three digit number is 999 and we see that it is odd. One less than that is 998 and it is even and it is also three digits. No other 3 digit number is larger than 998 while being even.
4,998 of course !
That's not possible. The largest single-digit number by which you might divide is 9. And, by definition, the remainder is always LESS than the number by which you divide. Thus, the largest remainder you can get, when you divide by 9, is 8.
Answer: 999999
The answer is 9001
The number 100,002 is divisible by 3. The largest 5 digit number is 99996 (6 less).
Largest three digit number is 999 and we see that it is odd. One less than that is 998 and it is even and it is also three digits. No other 3 digit number is larger than 998 while being even.
4,998 of course !
That's not possible. The largest single-digit number by which you might divide is 9. And, by definition, the remainder is always LESS than the number by which you divide. Thus, the largest remainder you can get, when you divide by 9, is 8.
It doesn't matter if you know that the largest three-digit prime number is 997 or that its cube root is 9.98998998. If you include zero in the whole numbers, the answer will be zero.
It depends upon the base of the number, but it is always one less than the base. For decimal numbers (base 10), our usual numbers, the largest digit that can be used in 10 - 1 = 9.