Between 1 to 224
120 square feet
Carpet area is how much area in the room there is to put carpet in. Built up area is how much the carpet will go into the complete area. Usually the conversion is done on a 70 to 30 ratio.
private life
20 square yards
I need some new carpet tiles for my living room. Where can I buy carpet tiles online?
Carpet comes in widths of 12' and 15'. If the room is wider than 15', the carpet will have to be seamed. Determine how much carpet is needed by measuring the width and length of the room. Add a few inches to both measurements to allow extra carpet for thresholds and doorways. Make a rough drawing of the room and take it to the carpet retail outlet. The sales representative can advise on how much carpet will be needed and can even arrange to have the length cut.
My purple carpet is in my room and I love it so much! I use a carpet in the bathroom so that my feet do not get cold in the wintertime.
your mamma
340sq feet.
I was thinking about buying new carpet. How much, on average, would a carpet installation cost me?
224 square feet.
To replace carpet in your home, follow these steps: 1. Remove old carpet and padding. 2. Prepare the subfloor by cleaning and repairing any damage. 3. Measure the room and purchase new carpet and padding. 4. Install the new padding and carpet, starting from one corner and working your way across the room. 5. Trim excess carpet and secure edges. 6. Vacuum the new carpet to remove any debris.