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The answer depends on your local water company.

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Q: How much money is 3000 gallons in a water bill?
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What is kgal on your water bill?

The rate means price per 1,000 gallons. You can multiply the amount charged per 1000 gallons to find out your water bill amount.

What does hgal mean on your water bill?

HGAL means 100 gallons on your water bill. The average person uses 100 per day

What is average water bill in Houston?

annual average month: $60 for 7,000 gallons

What does CGAL mean on utility bill under water usage?

Rate Per 100 gallons (cgal)

A faucet is dripping at a rate of 2 ounces per minute How many gallons of water are wasted in one day?


What can be the problem your water bill said you used seventy two thousand gallons of water last month?

your cat keeps flushing the toilet

How many gallons does it take to flush a toliet?

5 gallons at least for a home toliet restrants seem to take 3 gallons that's why they are always are out of order who cares how much the water bill is put your toliet at 5 gallons there is more pressure

Can a water softener increase your water bill?

A water softener slightly increases the amount of water you will use in a home because it uses water to rinse the accumulated hardness down the drain every few days when it performs its regeneration cycle. A typical sized residential softener uses about 50 gallons of water during the regeneration cycle. In between regenerations, a typical sized softener will typically soften several thousand gallons. The actual amount depends on your in coming hardness and the amount of salt you use. If your incoming hardness is 20 grains, it may treat 1000 gallons, but if your incoming hardness is 7 grains it may treat 3000 gallons. Since most water bills depend upon usage, your water bill would go up by 1050/1000 = 5% on 20 grains hard water or 3050/3000 = 2% on 7 grains hard water. You will probably pay much more for the salt used by the softener over the course of 1 year than the added water. On the other hand, you may save much more on reduced cleaning products and soap, and over time you will save because appliances will last longer and your water heater will be more energy efficient running on soft water than on hard water.

How do you get water bill which was passed on 1999?

If by "bill" you are referring to a piece of legislation - then you should be able to find it either on line at a state or federal website (depending on which level of government passed it). If you are speaking of a consumer water bill for service in gallons - you should contact the local utility that supplies the water and request it.

Stop leaking cash because of your high water bill?

Every American has a water bill, and many Americans are looking for ways to save on this bill. The first thing everyone should do to save money on their water bill is make sure that there are no leaks in your home water system. The home water system is composed of faucets, pipes, and onr or more water heaters. Faucets have seals that, when not whole and intact, can cause water leakage. Preventing these leaks by replacing faucet seals can prevent the loss of hundred of gallons of water (and money) each year. Water pipes and lines are typically made of either copper or PVC, and both of these materials will degrade over time and cause water leakage. Likewise, water heater seals will also degrade over time. Resealing or replacing a leaky water heater and degraded water lines will result in significant savings each year from reduce water usage.

How much does it cost to drain and refill a 30000 in ground pool?

I just called my water company today to find out how much it was going to cost for 12,000 gallons. They said about $20 bucks.Heres how they calculated it:Water rate: $1.18 per CCF12,000 Gallons = approx. 16 CCFsI found a CCF (100 cubic feet) converter online (748 Gallons = 1 CCF)Check your last water bill to find your water company's rate. I just called my water company today to find out how much it was going to cost for 12,000 gallons. They said about $20 bucks.Heres how they calculated it:Water rate: $1.18 per CCF12,000 Gallons = approx. 16 CCFsI found a CCF (100 cubic feet) converter online (748 Gallons = 1 CCF)Check your last water bill to find your water company's rate.

1922 Philippines 5 pesos bill what is it worth?