If you are born on January 10, 1984 as of today - January 7, 2010 - you would be 25 years and 362 days old.
10 year old was born in 2000.
if you born 10-20-1985 how old are you
If you were born before the date that you are reading this, you will be 10 years old. If you were born on a date after you are reading this, you will be 9 years old, about to turn 10.
If you were born in 2001, you would be nine or 10 years old. my sis was born oct.11 01 and she is nine and soon 10 .
2009-1999= 10 You would be 10 years old.
Marouane Chamakh was born on the 10 January 1984. Which means he's 26 years old.
Nando Rafael was born on January 10, 1984.
Trent Cutler was born on January 10, 1984.
Heidi DeVries was born on January 10, 1984.
Michael Galeota was 31 years old when he died on January 10, 2016 in Glendale, California (born: August 28, 1984).
Shad Gaspard was born January 13, 1981 JTG was born December 10, 1984
Marouane Chamakh is 33 years old (birthdate January 10, 1984).
January 10, 1984 was a Tuesday.
Claire Hedges was born on January 10, 1984, in Kansas, USA.
Emily Taaffe was born on January 10, 1984, in Drogheda, Ireland.
Nando Rafael was born on January 10, 1984.
Trent Cutler was born on January 10, 1984.