you would be 5 years old, but on the 12th of august that year, you would be 6 years old
You would be 29 if you were born before today's date, and 28 if you were born after 1982.
In July 2012, you would be 4 or 5 years old - depending on whether or not you have had your birthday anniversary in 2012.
You are 13 years 10 months 1 day old.You are 5,056 days old.
13 bc 63-45-5=13
As of July 2017, you are 4 years old, but will be 5 in August.
Josh Ryan Evans was born on January 10, 1982 and died on August 5, 2002. Josh Ryan Evans would have been 20 years old at the time of death or 33 years old today.
August 30, 1918 - July 5, 2002
He was born August 5, 1930. That makes him 79 years old.
As of August 15, 2012, the person would be 3 years and 10 days old.
Matt Robinson died on August 5, 2002 at the age of 65.
Darrell Porter died at the age of 50 on August 5, 2002.
Chick Hearn died on August 5, 2002 at the age of 85.
you would be 5 years old, but on the 12th of august that year, you would be 6 years old
Matt Robinson was born on January 1, 1937 and died on August 5, 2002. Matt Robinson would have been 65 years old at the time of death or 78 years old today.