A person born July 23, 1987 will turn 25 on his birthday in 2012. So if the year is 2012 and it is before his birthday, then he is 24. On July 23, 2012 and after - he is 25.
If you were born in 1987, you would be 23 today.
23. 2010 - 1987 = 23 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23 That's how numbers work so you know for next time.
If you were 23 you were born in 1987.
it would be your 56th birthday
You would be currently 23 at the time of answering - you would have your 24th birthday later this year (2015)
In July 6, 2010 you will be 23 years old!
23 years old (as of October 22, 2010)
Alessio Cerci is 29 years old (born July 23, 1987).
Brazilian footballer Luiz Gustavo is 29 years old (born July 23, 1987).
If you were born in 1987, you would be 23 today.
July 23, 1987 was on a Thursday.
If you were born in July 1986, as of December 2009, you would be 23 years old.
They would be 22 or 23.
Kyle Swartz was born on July 23, 1987, in Sussex, Wisconsin, USA.