A person born in October 1983 would be 25 years old.
If you were born December 16th, 1992, you should be 18 years of age.
Depending on the month of your birth you would be either 90 or 91 years old today (29th August 2009).
21 if you have had your birthday this year. If not, 20.
Michael was 34 years old. The concert happened on 1st October 1992. Michael was born 29th August 1958
Italia Ricci is 28 years old. She was born on October 29th, 1986.
If you were born on October 29, 1992 you will celebrate your 18th birthday in 2010.
born October 12, 1992
She was born in March 29th of 1992, that makes her roughly 20 years old now.
Jeffrey Garten is 67 years old. He was born on October 29, 1946.
Moose is played by, Adam G. Sevani. Born on June 29th 1992.
Moose is played by, Adam G. Sevani. Born on June 29th 1992.
John John (JJ) Florence is 25 years old (born October 18, 1992)
1n 2012, you are going to be 20 years old.
Vanessa Marano is 21 years old. She was born on October 31, 1992.
21 Savage is 25 (born 22 October 1992)