75 years old.
1934 in 2009 you would of been born in 1946 in 2010 you would of been born in 1947
If you were born in 1983, how old would you be?If you were born in 1983, you would be 27. To get that answer, you would do 2010-1983.
If you were born on 1964 you would be 64 years old.
you would be six
75 years old.
You would be 78 years old.
2009-1934 = 75. But you'd be 74 or 75 years old, depending on when your birthday was during the year. For example, if you were born on February 17, 1934, then you'd be 75 today [February 17, 2009].
1934 in 2009 you would of been born in 1946 in 2010 you would of been born in 1947
75 years 6 months at 10.11.2009
She was born Oct 4th 1934 which would make her 75 yrs old!
As of December 2012, tht person would have been born in 1934.
75 or 76 depending on when you were born in the year
You will turn 80 in 2014.
Bill Bixby was born in 1934 He died at aged 59 if he was ALIVE He would be 76 years old as of 2010 and in 2011 he would of TURNED 77
She was born in 1934, so now she is 75 year old.
John Ziegler was born on February 9, 1934.