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Well if you over draw your bank account then you account balance becomes negative numbers, meaning you owe the bank. Anytime you are in debt period, in spades you can get set so many hands that your score is lower than zero and goes into the negative.

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Q: How positive and negative numbers are used in real world situation?
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What are some examples of negative numbers in daily life?

There are lots of situations in the real world in which there are opposites, which can conveniently be expressed with positive/negative numbers. Here are some examples:Having money (positive), having a debt (negative)Getting a profit (positive) or a loss (negative) with a business ventureAn altitude above (positive) or below (negative) sea levelGaining points or losing points in a gameMoving in one direction or in the opposite direction. In this case, it is quite arbitrary which direction is chosen as positive.

Is negative 8 greater than negative 3?

Oh, dude, negative 8 is actually less than negative 3. It's like saying, "Hey, which is worse, stubbing your toe or stepping on a LEGO?" Negative numbers work in a similar way, just in the world of math instead of pain. So yeah, negative 3 is the lesser of the two evils in this case.

Is negative 4 bigger then negative 7?

Well, honey, negative 4 is actually smaller than negative 7. Think of it as owing someone $7 being worse than owing them $4. So, in the world of numbers, negative 7 takes the cake for being the bigger negative. Hope that clears things up for ya!

What are the positive and negative aspects of the world shown in Gattaca?

Positive: less disease; smarter, stronger, and more productive people. Negative: lack of genetic variation; social unrest.

What plus what equals negative 7?

Well, honey, in the world of math, when you add a negative number to another negative number, you're gonna get an even more negative number. So, negative 7 can be achieved by adding negative 3 and negative 4 together. Math can be sassy like that sometimes.

Related questions

What are some examples of negative numbers in daily life?

There are lots of situations in the real world in which there are opposites, which can conveniently be expressed with positive/negative numbers. Here are some examples:Having money (positive), having a debt (negative)Getting a profit (positive) or a loss (negative) with a business ventureAn altitude above (positive) or below (negative) sea levelGaining points or losing points in a gameMoving in one direction or in the opposite direction. In this case, it is quite arbitrary which direction is chosen as positive.

What are some negative numbers you use in the real world?

1) Temperature below zero degrees is denoted by a negative number. 2) In business, profit is shown as positive and loss as negative

Where can positive and negative numbers be found in the real world?

The temperature of a room or country. e.g. In Canada it is -3 or in London it is 3 C

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What are the ways computer impacted the world in both the positive and negative aspect?

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HOW Can you use absolute to represent a negative number in a real-world situation?

use a absolute value to represent a negative number in the real world

Example of how negative nuberss are used in the real world?

For example, an altitude above sea-level can be expressed as a positive number; below sea-level is negative.Or: If you have money, you have a positive amount of money; if you owe money, that goes against you, you have "less than nothing", so it can be expressed as a negative amount.In technology and science - would you classify that as "real-world"? - negative numbers are used all the time. For example, if you decide that moving in a certain direction (e.g., "up") is positive, a movement in the opposite direction is negative.

The smallest number in the world?

There is no such number. There are two possible interpretations of the question: the smallest number being the most negative or the one with the smallest absolute value. In the first case, negative numbers, like positive numbers go on forever. One less than the previous smallest will always be smaller. In the second case, numbers are infinitely dense. So for positive fractions, half of the previous smallest will be smaller still.

Where do you use negative numbers in the real world?


Was Francisco Pizarro's positive effect or negative effect on the world?

Negative because he killed millions of people.

How are negative integers used in the real world?

Whenever you have two opposites, you can use positive number for one, and negative numbers for the other. For example: * Having money might be positive, owing money might be negative (owing money is worse than just having nothing). * Getting money might be a positive change; spending money (or otherwise losing it), a negative change. * Places above sea level might be assigned a positive altitude; places below sea level, a negative altitude. * If latitudes north of the equator are defined as positive, then latitudes south of the equator would be negative. Or the other way round.

Did the letter writing make positive or negative impacts to the world?

It depends what is written in the letter. Hopefully positive!