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Q: How would you arrange these decimals from smallest to largest 6.00 0.56 0.060 0.6 0.056?
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0.05, 0.5, 5.5, .55

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0.27, 0.99, 1.8, 2.01

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If you can use decimals, then the smallest number would be 0.8765321. But if you can't use decimals, then it would be 10235678.

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How would i know dude gosh

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Depends on what you are rounding to.... The nearest 10 it would be 9995 for the smallest and 10004 for the largest. The nearest 100 it would be 9950 for the smallest and 10049 for the largest. The nearest 1000 it would be 9500 for the smallest and 10499 for the largest.


None they are the same but in decimals 7.5 would be the smallest otherwise the decimals are the same

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Just an educated guess would be an Ostrich lays the largest while the Hummingbird would lay the smallest.

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The smallest number would be 29500. The largest number would be 31499.

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The smallest would be 395000. The largest would be 404999.

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I will arrange these items in order; largest to smallest. eukaryotic cell----prokaryotic cell---virus Proteins---lipids ( I would not swear by this second answer )

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Jupiter is the largest planet and Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system. Extra-solar radii extremes would be HAT-P-32b as the largest and Kepler-42d as the smallest.