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When you've finished operating on your numbers to round to 3 sig fig you want to round to the first three digits starting with the first non-zero digit by using the fourth digit (as normal) and then replace all further digits to the right by zeros and removing any digits so changed to zero after a decimal point.


12345 to 3 sig fig is 12300 since the 4 does not round up the 3.

124578 to 3 sig fig is 125000 since the 5 rounds up the 4.

0.1234 to 3 sig fig is 0.123 since the 4 does not round up the 3 and the trailing zeros (created) are removed.

0.001234 to 3 sig fig is 0.00123

12984 to 3 sig fig is 13000 since the 8 rounds the 9 up.

0.012984 to 3 sig fig is 0.0130 since the 8 rounds the 9 up.

3333333333.33 to 3 sig fig is 3330000000

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Q: How would you get precision to 3 significant figures if there is a 3333333333.33 and the least number was 750?
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There are two significant figures: 2 and 0 The significant figures of a number are those digits that carry meaning contributing to its precision. Leading zeros (the zero before the 2) are not significant.

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There is one significant figure: 1 The significant figures of a number are those digits that carry meaning contributing to its precision. Leading zeros (the zero before the 1) are not significant.

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None of them, you do that! You have given it to the precision of 3 decimal places or 6 significant figures however.

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In mathematics, the word precision is used to describe the total number of digits (the number of significant figures) used in a number to approximate another number. For example, given a number 145.37823 the number 145 approximates the previous number with a precision of 3, and 145.3782 approximates it with a precision of 7. In other words, in maths, at least arithmetically speaking, precision is just another word for significant figures. In statistics, precision is usually a measurement of how well a measurement system gives consistent results, and is the reciprocal of variance.

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4, assuming the 0 at the end is to indicate the degree of precision.

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