You could convert them to like fractions with a common denominator and compare the numerators or you could convert them to decimals and compare them.
Any fraction with a numerator greater than 12 would be greater than 1/12. This includes fractions such as 2/12 (which simplifies to 1/6), 3/12 (which simplifies to 1/4), and so on. As long as the numerator is greater than 12, the fraction will be greater than 1/12.
If the numerator is less than the denominator, the fraction is less than one. For example, 5/7 is less than one. If the numerator is greater than the denominator, the fraction is greater than one. For example, 10/7 is more than one.
If the number in front of x squared is a number greater than 1, the parabola will start becoming thinner. The opposite occurs when the number is a fraction.
I do not know what a " benchmark " fraction is, so I just use like denominators to compare different fractions. 60 will have to do here. 12*2/12*5 and 5*7/5*12 24/60 and 35/60 from this we can see that 7/12 is greater than 2/5 7/12 > 2/5 --------------- 1/2 is a benchmark fraction. Since 7/12 is greater than 1/2 and 2/5 is less than 1/2, 7/12 must be greater than 2/5.
To determine the fraction of girls and boys in the class, you would need to know the total number of students in the class and the number of girls and boys. Let's say there are 20 students in the class, with 12 girls and 8 boys. The fraction of girls in the class would be 12/20 or 3/5, and the fraction of boys would be 8/20 or 2/5.
Double the numerator. If the answer is greater than the denominator then the fraction is greater than half.Double the numerator. If the answer is greater than the denominator then the fraction is greater than half.Double the numerator. If the answer is greater than the denominator then the fraction is greater than half.Double the numerator. If the answer is greater than the denominator then the fraction is greater than half.
A fraction f is greater than a fraction g if (f - g) is positive.
Such as when the fraction is 6/2 it is that's 3 wholes
If a fraction is greater than a positive number x, then its reciprocal is between 0 and 1/x.
An improper fraction is one where the numerator is equal to or greater than the denominator.
If the numerator (top number) is more than the denominator (bottom number), then the fraction is greater than one.
If the denominator is positive and the numerator is less than the denominator then the fraction is less than 1. If the denominator is positive and the numerator is greater than the denominator then the fraction is greater than 1.
Convert both fractions to a common base and compare the size of their numerators.
You should reduce a fraction if the numerator and denominator have any common factor greater than one.
A fraction is less than 1 when its denominator is greater than its numerator as for example 3/4
The higher the denominator is larger considering that the numerator is equal.
When it asks your girlfriend out... and you're standing right there! or when the numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator.