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Q: If A equals B and B equals C does A equal C?
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If a equals b and b equals c then what does c plus b equals?

2a. (a, b and c are all equal.)

If a equals b and b equals c and c equals d and and d equals e then what does e equal?

They all equal each other. a = b = c = d = e e = a e = b e = c e = d e = e

If a plus b equals 40 b plus c equals 34 and a plus c equals 42 what does b equal?

a=24 b=16 c=18

If a plus b equals c what does a plus c equal?

A+c= 2a+b

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If a plus b plus c not equal to 0 then a divided by b plus c equals b divided by c plus a equals c divided by a plus b prove that a equals b equals c?

Because there is no way to define the divisors, the equations cannot be evaluated.

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the answer is a

What does bxc equal?

It equals b times c.

Is it true that if a intersect b equals a intersect c then b equals c?

No. Suppose A = {1,2}, B = {1,2,3,4,5,6} and C = {1,2,3,5,7,11}. The intersection of A with B is {1,2}, the intersection of A with C is also {1,2}, but B is not equal to C.

What is the difference between equals equals and equals in C programming?

a = b changes the value of a and makes it the same as the value of b. a == b does not change the values of a or b. It is an expression that is equal to 1 if a and b are the same or to 0 if a and b are different. For example: if ( a == b) { c = d;} means if a and b are the same, then set c equal to d. C does let you write the following: if ( a = b) { c = d;} This sets a equal to the value of b, and then if the new value of a is non-zero, it sets c equal to d. You can do this, but if you see a single equal sign in an "if" condition, that usually (but not always) is a mistake.

If vector c equals vector a plus vector b under what circumstances does c equal a minus b?

When b is zero.

What does a equal in ab equals c plus a?

to solve ab=c+a for a:Divide both sides by b, so:a= (c+a)/b