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Q: If a diagonal is drawn in a parallelogram then two congruent triangles are formed?
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If a diagonal is drawn in a parallelogram then two congruent triangles are formed.?


What 2 triangles are formed when split a parallelogram in half?

Two congruent triangles.

Why is drawing the diagonals of a parallelogram help full in proving many of the parallelograms properties?

It is helpful (not help full) because the two triangles formed by either diagonal are congruent.

How do you find the perimeter of a parallelogram using Pythagorean theorem?

you can't, because the Pythagorean theorem is for right triangles and the triangles formed by the diagonal of a parallelogram are not right triangles.

Are the triangles created when a square is divided by a diagonal isosceles?

Yes, since all the sides of a square are equal and the definition of an isosceles triangle is to have at least two congruent sides. The congruent triangles formed are 45-45-90 triangles, so the diagonal will be the longest side with the right angle formed where the two sides of the square meet.

Name the type of special quadrilateral that will appear when you join two congruent equilateral triangles?

There are two types of quadrilaterals that are formed when two congruent equilateral triangles are joined. These shapes are rhombus and parallelogram.

How many triangles are formed when any parallelogram and its diagonals are drawn?

how many triangles are formed when any parallelogram and it diagonals are drawn

How is the diagonal in parallelogram formed?

a squished rectangle

Prove that if the diagonal of a parallelogram does not bisect the angles through the vertices to which the diagonal is drawn the parallelogram is not a rhombus?

Suppose that the parallelogram is a rhombus (a parallelogram with equal sides). If we draw the diagonals, isosceles triangles are formed (where the median is also an angle bisector and perpendicular to the base). Since the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other, and the diagonals don't bisect the vertex angles where they are drawn, then the parallelogram is not a rhombus.

The length and width of a rectangle are 8 inches and 4 inches respectively What would be the area of one of the triangles formed from drawing a diagonal in the rectangle?

A=l*w A=8*4 A=32 diagonal cuts the rectangle into two congruent triangles. 32/2 = 16

What triangles are formed when you draw 2 diagonal lines through a corner ofWhat 2 triangles are formed when you draw 2 diagonal lines through a corner of a square?


What figure is formed when you put two congruent triangles together?

Figure that are congruent are shapes are the same size and shape. So when two formed congruent triangles are both together they fit just right.