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Q: How many pairs of congruent triangles are formed by the diagonals of a rectangle?
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How many pairs of congruent triangles are formed diagonals of a rectangle?


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What are 10 properties of a rectangle?

1. Opposite sides are equal 2. it is a parallelogram 3. all 4 angles (at vertices) are 900 4. diagonals are equal in length 5. diagonals bisect each other 6. triangles formed by a diagonal and 2 sides (opposite side for each triangle) are congruent 7. among the four triangles that are formed by the 2 diagonals, the vertically opposite triangles are congruent 8. if length=breadth, then the rectangle is a square 9. perimeter of the rectangle = 2 * ( length + breadth) 10. area of rectangle = length * breadth

What quadirlateral is formed by 2 right scalene triangles?

If the triangles are congruent and you match the hypotenera the right way, you can get a rectangle. If the triangles are not congruent, you can't even necessarily get a quadrilateral.

How do you prove that the diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid are equal?

Let's draw the isosceles trapezoid ABCD, where AD ≅ BC, and mADC ≅ mBCD. If we draw the diagonals AC and BD of the trapezoid two congruent triangles are formed, ∆ ADC ≅ ∆ BDC (SAS Postulate: If two sides and the angle between them in one triangle are congruent to the corresponding parts in another triangle, then the triangles are congruent). Since these triangles are congruent, AC ≅ BD.

How many triangles are formed when any parallelogram and its diagonals are drawn?

how many triangles are formed when any parallelogram and it diagonals are drawn

How many pairs of triangles are formed if a rectangle is divided into half and diagonals are drawn?

Probably 6 if not 4 if not 8 if not 10.WHO CARES

What are four attributes of a rhombus?

1. Opposite angles congruent 2. All sides are congruent 3. The diagonals are perpendicular bisectors of each other 4. Diagonals bisect the angles NOTE: Four congruent right triangles are formed with the right angles It has all of the properties of a parallelogram and a kite

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If all of the diagonals are drawn from a vertex of an octagon, how many triangles are formed

If all of the diagonals are drawn from a vertex of an octagon how many triangles are formed?

5 triangles are formed.

How many triangles can be formed by the diagonals of one vertex of a four-sided polygon?

Two triangles can be formed by the diagonals of one vertex of a four-sided polygon.

How many triangles are formed by the diagonals of a pentagon?