To determine your age in 2009 if you were born in 1989, you would subtract 1989 from 2009. This calculation would give you an age of 20 years old in 2009. This is because you would have lived through 20 full years (from 1989 to 2009) since your birth year.
I believe that would be the year 1989 or 1990 depending on the month and day
Today is May 2, 2009, so if you were born on or before May 2, 1989, you will be twenty (20) years old. If you were born after May 2, 1989, you are still nineteen (19).
A person who turned 25 in 2011 was born in 1986. People who turned 25 in 2012 were born in 1987. Those who turned 25 in 2013 were born in 1988. And a person turning 25 in 2014 was born in 1989
since it is 2009 and you were born in 99 you would be 10.
2009 minus 1989 is 20. However, depending on when your birthday is, a person born in 1989 could be either 19 or 20 in 2009. (The older age would be for someone whose birthday had already happened since this is 2009.)
Sophie bennett would be 21 in 2009 if she was born in 1989. x
As of January, 2009 you would be 19.
To determine your age in 2009 if you were born in 1989, you would subtract 1989 from 2009. This calculation would give you an age of 20 years old in 2009. This is because you would have lived through 20 full years (from 1989 to 2009) since your birth year.
If a person was born on any date in 1944, then on the same date in 2009 the person would turn 65.
If you were born October 17, 1989 you would have turned 22 in 2009.
As of 01/20/2009, you would be 19 years old.
I believe that would be the year 1989 or 1990 depending on the month and day
It actually depends. If my birthday is in October and I am 20 on April 24, 2009, then I was born in 1988. If my birthday is in January and I am 20 on April 24, 2009, then I was born in 1989. So your answer depends on what month the person is born in.
Age in 2014 = 2014 - 1989 (if the person has had their birthday this year, and one less if they have not).
by comparing the year you were born in and the year it is. For example you were born in 1989 and the year is 2009. You would be 20 years old.
On his birthday in 2009, a person born in 1949 turns 60.