Today is May 2, 2009, so if you were born on or before May 2, 1989, you will be twenty (20) years old. If you were born after May 2, 1989, you are still nineteen (19).
You are in the cusp of Generation Y or Z. Probably Y if you can remember the 9/11 attacks.
My Generation - 1989 1989-07-04 was released on: USA: 4 July 1989
The first generation was 1984-1989, second generation was 1989-2000.
My Generation - 1989 Rock's Biggest Gambles was released on: USA: 1991
Lee Soon-kyu called Sunny was born May 15, 1989.
The D-Generation ended on 1989-10-12.
Six Singles from Generation Terrorists was created in 1989.
Tiffany is 23 years old (US) and 24 (KOREA) . Glad I can help.
Ronald Reagan served as US President from 1981 to 1989. This covers both Generation X and Generation Y.
A generation is the decade you were born in. The word generation can be used as: My generation is the 1980s.
This is generation is being called "Generation I". This is anyone born after 2001.
people born from 1990 to 1995 are generation y everyone born after 1995 is not generation y becaus they where to young to remember anything from 90s. so everyone born after 1995 is generation z