The person must have been born in 1977
2011-1978= 33 years old.
It depends on what day that person was born. If someone was born on January 1st, 1977, they would be 33 years old today (March 28, 2010). But say, for example, someone was born on September 1st, 1977... they would be 32 years old today.
They would be 33 if they were born in 1979
Well it depends on which month you were born in. But take 2012-1979=33 so you would be about 33.
The person must have been born in 1977
33 in 2010: 1977 33 in 2011: 1978 33 in 2012: 1979
As it is 2013 at this writing, someone 33 years old would have been born in 1979 or 1980. If you are asking how many human years is 33 cat years, the answer is about 5. Cats mature early, and are the equivalent of a 13-year-old human at the end of their first year; after that, they age at the equivalent of 5 human years every calendar year. If you are asking how many cat years is 33 calendar years, a 33-year-old cat is approximately as old as a 175-year-old human would be. The imprecision of the conversion should be immediately apparent; no human has gotten close to 175 years, yet there has been at least one cat who lived to 33.
As there was no year zero, you would be 33 years old.
Oh, what a lovely thought experiment! If you were born when your dad was 33 years old, and let's say you're 25 now, that would make your dad 58 years old. It's so nice to ponder these things and appreciate the passage of time.
33 years old
33 Years Old as of April 23 2010.
33 years old
69 years
The Church was born on Pentecost Sunday about the year 33 AD. so that makes the Church nearly 2000 years old.
The Church was born on Pentecost Sunday about the year 33 AD. so that makes the Church nearly 2000 years old.
13 years of age is alot of years but its up to themdepends what shape there in and how commited they are!