Well, isn't that a happy little question! If you're 59 years old, that means you were born in 1963. Just imagine all the wonderful memories and experiences you've had since then, like a beautiful painting filled with colors and textures. Keep on painting the canvas of your life with joy and positivity, my friend.
You were 59 in November 2009 so you were born in 1950.
I am 59 and when you were born makes no difference to my age!
-- A person who turns 59 on his birthday in 2012 was born in 1953. -- A person who was already 59 when 2012 began was born in 1952.
1954-1955. Depending on when you were born, early in the year or later.
the year is was born when im 14 and it 2009 is 1995...................................... that is the answer cause im a math wizard by an unnone author
If you are 18 then you were born in 1992.