2013-1937 = 76 years old if birthday is on or before NOV 4
Today (22 Nov 2010) you would be 21 years old.
11 today (5 November) but 12 in just a few days' time.
You would be 35 as of today (May 2, 2012).
today (2012) you would be 43 years old
2013-1937 = 76 years old if birthday is on or before NOV 4
68 cause 2023-1923
24 unless you were born after the date of today (meaning Nov. 29, or whichever day it is)
It depends on what day that person was born. If someone was born on January 1st, 1977, they would be 33 years old today (March 28, 2010). But say, for example, someone was born on September 1st, 1977... they would be 32 years old today.
if brn on this date or before today 10, born on date after today (as in born in oct nov or dec) 9 until your birthday occurs
Today (22 Nov 2010) you would be 21 years old.
11 today (5 November) but 12 in just a few days' time.
You would be 35 as of today (May 2, 2012).
she is exactly 36 today the 27 nov 2009
You are 39 years old.