If someone is 48 years old, you would subtract 48 from the current year to determine the year they were born. For example, if the current year is 2022, subtracting 48 would mean they were born in 1974.
It depends on when their birthday is. If they celebrate their 48th birthday between Jan 1st 2009 and December 31st 2009, they will have been born in 1961. After Jan 1st 2010 and their birth year is 1962.
For example; If they are 48 years old now and turn 49 in March next year then they will have a birthyear of 1962.
Somebody check me please. I hurt my brain on this one.
If the person has already had their birthday this year they were born in 1963, if they will be 48 this year they were born in 1962.
During the year 2011, anyone who was born in the year 1924 has or will be turning 87 years old.
In 1999.
2012 - 14 = 1998 Answer. That someone who is 14 years old this year was born in 1998.
80 years younger than the 100 year old man
In 2014, if a person is 64 years old, then he was born in 1950.
If the person has already had their birthday this year they were born in 1963, if they will be 48 this year they were born in 1962.
If someone was born in 1950, they would be 71 years old in 2021.
Someone turning 54 in 2013 was born in 1959.
During the year 2011, anyone who was born in the year 1924 has or will be turning 87 years old.
In 1977.