During the year 2011, anyone who was born in the year 1924 has or will be turning 87 years old.
If someone is 13 years old, you can determine their birth year by subtracting 13 from the current year. For example, if the current year is 2022, someone who is 13 years old would have been born in 2009.
To be 18 years old today, you would have been born in 2003. This calculation is based on the current year, 2021, minus 18 years. Therefore, someone born in 2003 would be turning 18 in 2021.
If someone turns 21 in 2011 then they were born in 1990. If someone's birthday is in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, or August 1990, then they would turn 21 in those months in 2011. The majority of their 21st year is in 2011. However, is someone's birthday is in the later months- September, October, November, or December- of 1990, then they would turn 21 in the last four months of 2011, and a major piece of their 21st year would be in 2012. Which means that as of October 2012, they would just be turning 22.
People turning 13 in 2008 were born in 1995.
If someone is turning 32 in the year 2010, they were born in 1978.
she will be turning 24 on July 2nd 2009, she is born in 1985
Someone turning 54 in 2013 was born in 1959.
1980 (2012-32)
During the year 2011, anyone who was born in the year 1924 has or will be turning 87 years old.
59 , turning 60 this year.
As today is the 5th of August 2010 and you were born in 1997 you would have turned 12 last year, turning 13 this year.
It all depends on what year they were born. Im going to be 14 this year too but afew of my friends (WHO ARE IN THE SAME GRADE AS ME) are turning 13 and one of them is turning 15. HOPE THIS HELPED SOBORED97 OUT PEACE!
If someone is 13 years old, you can determine their birth year by subtracting 13 from the current year. For example, if the current year is 2022, someone who is 13 years old would have been born in 2009.
They will be 2 onJuly 12th this year (2009).
Someone who is 45 in 2010 was born in either 1965 or 1964 (and will be turning 46 later in the year.)