Today is May 2, 2009, so if you were born on or before May 2, 1989, you will be twenty (20) years old. If you were born after May 2, 1989, you are still nineteen (19).
If you were born on The 21st of December on 1989, you would be 20 years old 19 years old, you would only be 20 on the 21st of December.
If you were born February 9 1989, until today, Feb 19, 2010 you are 7680 days old.
As of April 2012, someone born in November 1989 would be 22 years old.
The question was asked on 2 September 2017, so "Today" is 2017/09/02 You are 2017-1989 = 28 today - happy birthday.
Today is May 2, 2009, so if you were born on or before May 2, 1989, you will be twenty (20) years old. If you were born after May 2, 1989, you are still nineteen (19).
that's my birhtday :) , today you'd be 20!
as of today 11/3/2011 you would be 21
Today (22 Nov 2010) you would be 21 years old.
As today is the 1st January 2011, you would have celebrated your birthday yesterday and turned 21. Congratulations.
She's born June 14 1989 so she's 22 year old today