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an iscoceles triangle

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Q: If you draw a triangle has two perpendicular sides what type of triangle did you draw?
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What type of triangle has 2 perpendicular sides?

A right triangle.

What type of triangle has one pair of perpendicular sides?

A`isoseles duhhh

What type of triangle has perpendicular lines?

a right triangle

How many parallel sides has a equilataral triangle got?

A triangle, no matter the type, can never have any parallel sides. To try this out, draw any two parallel lines on a sheet of paper and try to make a triangle out of it.

What are the properties the orthocenter of a triangle?

Construct a scalene triangle and then from each of its vertices draw a straight line that is perpendicular to its opposite side and where these 3 straight lines intersect it is the orthocenter of the triangle. The position of the orthocenter can vary depending on what type of triangle it.

What type of triangle so stopredicular lines?

If you mean what type of triangle has perpendicular lines then it is right angle triangle.

What type of triangle's sides have all nine sides?

A triangle can have only three sides. No triangle can have 9 sides!

What type of triangle has incongruent angles or sides?

This type of triangle is a scalene triangle

What type of triangle has 3 angle bisectors that are also perpendicular bisectors?

equilateral triangle

Does a parallelogram have parallel and perpendicular sides?

By definition, a parallelogram two separate pairs has parallel sides. The only type of parallelogram that has perpendicular sides is a rectangle. All others have non-perpendicular sides.

How many sides does a scalene triangle have?

3 sides - such is the definition of triangle. Every triangle of any type has three sides.

A triangle with three congruent sides is an?

what type of triangle has tree congruent sides