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Q: If you rode your bike for 2 hours and traveled 40km what is your average speed?
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What is the average sped of a car moving 80 kilometers in 2 hours?

speed = 80km/2h = 40km/h

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Is a cyclist travels 20 km an half an hour her average speed is?

40km per hour

How many km can a car travel in 2 hrs if its speed is 40km h?

If 1 hour ===> 40 km, then 2 hours ===> 80 km.

A car travels 30 km at uniform speed of 40km per hour and the next 30 km at a uniform speed of 20 km per hourfind its average speed?

First 30k takes 45 min, second 30k takes 90 min, total 60k in 2¼ hours so average speed = 60 x 4/9 = 26 and 2/3 kph

How long does it take to walk 40km?

480 minutes or 8 hours

One of the buses completes a journey of 300km in 7.5hours and the other a journey of 450km in 9 hours the ratio of their average speed is with answer?

Speed = Distance / Time First bus speed = 300 / 7.5 = 40km/h Second bus speed = 450 / 9 = 50km/h So now we can put them in to a ratio as 40:50. This can be simplified by dividing both by 10 so you have 4:5

Paul has travel 40km to visit his aunty he traveled 0.65 of the distance by bus and the rest by taxi what fraction of the distance did paul travel by taxi?

paul has travel 40km to visit his aunty. he travelled 0.65 of the distance by bus and the rest by taxi

A car is moving 20km at a speed of 40km per hour it moves another 20km at speed of 50km per hourwhat is the average speed?

45km/h because you add the two speeds together and divide. so 50+40=90/2 = 45

Which is larger 40km or 40m?


What is the top speed of a bearded dragon?

The bearded dragon can reach speeds of up to 25mph, or 40km/h.

How many km can a car travel in 2 hrs if its speed is 40km?

2*40 = 80 km