If your birthday is from 1 January to 18 March (today) then you are 26.
If your birthday is from 19 March to 31 December then you are 25.
During the year 2010, someone born in December 1984 is 26 years old.
2012-28=1984 Answer: 1984
If you are born on January 10, 1984 as of today - January 7, 2010 - you would be 25 years and 362 days old.
If you were born in October 1984, you would be 30 years old.
During the year 2010, someone born in December 1984 is 26 years old.
If you were born in 1984 you would turn 13 in 1997.
35 Years Old Born: 1984
He is born in 1984.
If it was the year 1984, I would be -8 years old. LOL I was born in 1992. ~Valounda~
28 years old.
lumidee is 26 years old she was born 1984.