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Q: If you went to bed at 8.30pm and woke up at 7.33pm how long would you sleep?
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How long do hamsters sleep after a long play?

It depends really, i would say, if it played at night, it would sleep all day.

How long would a soldier in World War 1 sleep for?

not long im guessin hehe!

How often does a betta male sleep?

a betta is asleep for as long as it would lke tew if the lite is off theyll sleep they sleep above water lke if there dead but ther fin is still moving and there eyes are open

How can you sleep like a baby if they hardly sleep?

its just a saying that a newborn would be asleep for alittle bit so you could sleep long like a baby. :>)

How long do people sleep in years?

If you sleep an average of 8hrs a day and live 80 yrs, you would spend 26.4 asleep.

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A long time seeing that you would most likely drown on your hike

How long do termites sleep?

they don't sleep.

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they dnt sleep

Is it dangerous to not sleep for a long time?

Sleep deprivation is not good for you in the long term

How long do Finch sleep?

about 8 - 10 hours depending how long you let them sleep and how long you cover them

Is the word sleep a long e word?

The word sleep has a long 'e' sound.