If you are 29 years old you are born in 1983.
29 Years old.
You would be 29 years old
As of November 2011, someone born on April 12, 1982 will be 29 years old.
If you were born February 29, 1997 you would have turned 13 in 2010.
If you are 29 years old you are born in 1983.
The twins were born in 40 BC, which wold make Cleopatra 29 years old when she had them.The twins were born in 40 BC, which wold make Cleopatra 29 years old when she had them.The twins were born in 40 BC, which wold make Cleopatra 29 years old when she had them.The twins were born in 40 BC, which wold make Cleopatra 29 years old when she had them.The twins were born in 40 BC, which wold make Cleopatra 29 years old when she had them.The twins were born in 40 BC, which wold make Cleopatra 29 years old when she had them.The twins were born in 40 BC, which wold make Cleopatra 29 years old when she had them.The twins were born in 40 BC, which wold make Cleopatra 29 years old when she had them.The twins were born in 40 BC, which wold make Cleopatra 29 years old when she had them.
Russell Wilson is 29 years old. He was born on November 29, 1988 in Cincinnati, Ohio.
About 29 years old.
29 years old
29 Years Old on your birthday (2012-1983 = 29)
lilwayne is 29 years old he was born in 1982
he is 29 years old
29 Years old.
29 years old.
he is 29 years old work it out. if he was born in 1981 it makes him 29
Hannah Mills is 29 years old (born February 29, 1988).