As of November 2011, someone born on April 12, 1982 will be 29 years old.
You would be 29 if you were born before today's date, and 28 if you were born after 1982.
Assuming the current date of July 2011, someone born on April 12, 1930 would be 81 years old.
As of April 2011, someone born on this date would be 32 years old.
they would be 27, 28 in August
If you were born on July 9, 1982, then as of April 2011, you would be 28 years old.
They will be turning 30 this month (April 2012). 2012-1982=30.
If you were born between:I. April 1 - 9, 1982; You arenow 31 years old.......2013....- 1982======.........31II. April 10 - 30; You arenow 30 years old because you haven't celebrated your birthday yet.
Michael Carbonaro was born on April 28, 1982 in Oakdale, New York.
Born on April 22, 1982 about 28 years old.
If you were born in 1982 you would be 30 years old.
28 years old
Kelly Clarkson was born on April 24, 1982. So by April 24, 2009 she would turn 27 years old. This is how old kelly clarkson is.
If I were born in April 1981, I would be 40 years old.
David Ferrer is 35 years old (born April 2, 1982).
Andreas Thorkildsen is 28 years old. He was born on April 1, 1982.
If you were born December 9, 1982 you will currently be 27 year old.