If you were born on January 1, 1898 and died in 2008 you would be 110.
If you were born in 1898 and died in 1963, you would have lived for 65 years. To calculate your age at the time of your death, you would subtract your birth year from your death year: 1963 - 1898 = 65.
if you were born in 1991 who old wil you be?
If I was born in 1988, I would have no idea how old YOU were!
If you were born in 1938, you are 75 years old now.
90 or 91
Golda Meir was born on May 3, 1898
If you were born on January 1, 1898 and died in 2008 you would be 110.
All you have to do is subtract 1898 from 1914. You would be 16 years old. If you were born in 1898 you would now be, as of 2011, 113. And if you were born in 1914 then you would now be 97. The above answer to calculate the difference between two years is correct.
If you were born in 1898 and died in 1963, you would have lived for 65 years. To calculate your age at the time of your death, you would subtract your birth year from your death year: 1963 - 1898 = 65.
Gunnar Myrdal was born on December 6, 1898.
Chesty Puller died on October 11, 1971 at the age of 73.
How the Athletic Lover Outwitted the Old Man - 1898 was released on: USA: July 1898
Rene Magritte was born in 1898 so in 2011 he would be 113.
George Gershwin was born on September 26, 1898.
Paul Robeson was born on April 9, 1898
Sara Carter was born on July 21, 1898